
Thankyou Stu!

This week we’re celebrating Stuart Andrews, our Finance Director, and seasoned member of The Jolly Hog family, after he’s been with us now for 5 years! ?? Starting from the 5.30 am interview Stu agreed to – when we knew he was going to be the man for the job – Stu’s been the most reliable and hard working addition to the team. And he’s not been afraid to muck in. He’s been there with us at 8pm on building sites doing handovers under torch lights, managing cash flow at our old restaurant over a full English every week, running Tough Mudder with our buyers when it was absolutley baltic, and even helping us clean up after various Christmas parties. Aside from being a jolly hard grafter, Stu’s never failed to make the team smile. He’s danced on stage at Meatopia, consistently made the most teas and coffees in the office, wowed even us with his commitment to getting lunch from our restaurant every week, ran the bloomin’ marathon to raise money for Southmead Hospital, impressed us with his scrum skills, and even introduced us to the wonders of International PayRoll Week ? We’re very lucky to have him!

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