
Cheesy Bacon Pastry Christmas Tree Recipe

We all saw the chocolate puff pastry Christmas Trees last Christmas. We wanted to give it the jolly touch. Introducing this Cheesy Streaky Bacon Puff Pastry Christmas Tree Recipe! This is a great family activity for a rainy day, with the puff pastry being really easy for children to help with. This Bacon Pastry Christmas Tree is perfect to serve up at Christmas parties, for hosting family during the festive season or even for a yummy Friday night snack for the whole family.


– 1 pack of our The Jolly Hog Streaky British Bacon
– 2 packs of puff pastry
Sauce Shop’s Spiced Cranberry Ketchup (or chilli jam or normal cranberry sauce)
– Grated Mozzarella or pizza mozzarella slices
– 1 x egg
– Sesame seeds or poppy seeds (optional)


– Pre-heat the oven to 205 degrees.
– Defrost 2 packs of puff pastry completely.
– Layer the 2 sheets of pastry on top of each other and then cut your Christmas tree shape to form the puff pastry Christmas tree. This will give both layers an identical shape. You can use a blunt knife to draw out your tree shape, leaving you the chance to re-do it if need be. Once you’re happy with the shape (giving it a bushy tree and log shape), remove the top layer and put to the side. Keep all the spare dough from both sheets.
– Brush one sheet of puff pastry with your sauce of choice on the top side. We love using Tracklement’s Cranberry, Port & Orange sauce or chilli jam.
– Cover an oven tray with greaseproof baking paper.
– Take a pack of our Streaky Bacon and cut the rashers into shape so that they fit perfectly on the Christmas tree i.e. the whole surface is covered in bacon (dreamy)
– Add your grated cheese of choice and make sure it’s evenly spread across.
– Next, add the second sheet of puff pastry.
– Now the fiddly bit! Cut ‘branches’ into your puff pastry tree, making them about 1cm wide. Don’t cut all the way through to the middle, leave a little gap, as you’ll be cutting from both sides. Try to avoid cutting the baking paper, by lifting up the pastry if need be.
– Once you’ve cut your branches in on both sides from the top to the bottom of the tree, twist each branch gently over on itself, starting from the bottom. This will allow you to see the yummy bacon and cheese inside.
– Brush the tree with a beaten egg to make it glossy, and sprinkle with sesame seeds or poppy seeds if you want to.
– At this point, you can use the leftover scraps of pastry to make stars – our kids love making these! Either use a star shaped cutter or use scissors to create star shapes. Fill them with any leftover bacon and cheese & add them to your baking sheet.
– Cook the tree for 15-20 mins until the bacon is cooked & the pastry has gone crispy and golden.
– You can also chop up herbs & garlic and spread it over with butter to add green to your Christmas tree! Just chop a couple cloves of garlic and a handful of parsley. Melt butter in a saucepan on low heat and add the garlic for a couple of mins to cook. Stir in your chopped parsley to the garlic butter. Use a brush to brush this over the pastry tree.

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